Well, trying to find a simplistic approach to describing energy healing is near impossible., but I'll try. We live in a World of frequencies. We emit a frequency just as all other materials do.
Modern pharmacology is based on healing properties of plants aka their frequency.
For the past few centuries, we have been motivated to make new discoveries in healthcare and pharmacology. But what if our disdain for the old ways was clouding our understanding of why our ancestors had certain long standing traditions and practices related to healing?
In Ancient Egypt there is proof of using certain frequencies for healing. Different temples dedicated to amplifying different frequencies in what we would refer to in modern times as sound healing.
Many Indigenous Tribes all over the World have been using crystals for healing for centuries. Modern science has proven that crystals work through "entrainment". Crystals vibrate at a higher frequency. This is due to the fact that minerals grow naturally in repeating sacred geometric shapes. Entrainment of our energy centers with crystals work, because we humans are full of entropy!
Hands on Healing and Shamans have been around for as long as humans have gathered in tribes. Quantum physics proves that observation and intention play an important role in our healing as well, as exhibited in the double slit experiment. Even though, we still do not fully understand the extent, or depth of it scientifically.
It's incredibly encouraging, that even without a complete understanding of Energy Medicine, medical institutions are starting to embrace it. We can see this with Hospitals shifting their policies and training staff with Theraputic Touch and now encouraging Reiki to be practiced on patients by trained/certified staff and volunteers.
While science may be behind on convincing everyone of Energy medicine's merits, we are no longer determined to ignore the positive changes and healing effects it elicits. This shift has only been possible thanks to many peoples personal experiences and the advancements of the scientific understanding behind it.
Basically, our ancestors had innate knowledge of holistic healing practices which we are fairly recently being able to prove accurate, through advancements of quantum physics.
**ALL Energy sessions may include one or more of the below healing modalities.
60mins $115 90mins $150
except CAUSAL BODY Realignment. It is a stand alone session.
Being a conscious-based health care system with a foundation of quantum physics, BodyTalk works on the scientific basis that each system, cell, and atom in the body is in continuous communication. Everyday stresses often disrupt these lines of communication or overload the energy circuits.
The BodyTalk System is simple and effective; it re-synchronizes and re-aligns the body. This allows the body to return to its natural healthy function, effectively responding to injury and illness- as nature intended.
The BodyTalk system works by identifying the weakened or damaged internal energy circuits meaning that we do not address the symptoms but actually seek the root cause. Each session is individual, straightforward and no diagnosis is made. The practitioner relies on the client’s inherent knowledge to locate the energy links needing repair.
We use a form of biofeedback which is a subtle muscle-reflex technique, that offers this essential information along with the proper order in which the changes should be made. Using this technique, we are able to address all healing in a subsequent order which is imperative in the energy balancing process.
We are also able to "tap into" your energy at a distance. This can be used on bed ridden/ill loved ones, babies/toddlers and even our favorite furry friends - horses, dogs, cats, hamsters, turtles etc.
Working through your Human Design or Gene Keys? BodyTalk is an excellent modality to assist with your development.
Celtic Reiki has roots in Usui Reiki.
However with CR, we are working with Celtic inspired healing essences.
In Celtic Reiki essences come from a variety of Realms and everything within!
Celtic Tree Essences, The Woodhenge, Woodland and Elven Essences, Crystal & Mineral Essences, Elemental Essences, Norse and Runic Essences, Planetary, Celestial, Stargate, Color and Oceanic Essences are used to best assist your healing the day of your session.
Celtic Reiki can be done from a distance as well.
Working with crystals for healing is a transformative experience. Whether you are looking to have your chakras aligned, energy blocks eliminated, cords cut or subtle senses enhanced, this is an experience you'll remember.
Minerals vibrate at a higher frequency due to their sacred geometry growth patterns. Using crystals we can "entrain" our lower frequencies to vibrate at the crystals higher frequencies.
Shifting and raising our frequency assists with personal growth and healing. New healthier perspectives on our lives and issues leads to a ripple healing effect.
Crystal Healing can be done at a distance as well.
This technique on a physical level has been used to decrease swelling in tissues, improve mobility, enhance immune functioning, and draw toxins from the body. It can be helpful in addressing a range of health conditions including arthritis, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. As there is a theory that poor circulation of fluids and lymph underlies a host of conditions from cellulite to cancer, lymphatic drainage could support a number of other health issues as well. However, on a mental, emotional and spiritual level, this technique can also support the release of stored emotions or experiences, reduction in one’s experience of stress, and the enhancement of overall wellbeing.
This Lymphatic Drainage has a unique process based within the BodyTalk system. It is used to help stimulate sluggish lymphatic movement in the body and drain tissues of excess fluid.
Unlike standard Manual Lymphatic Drainage techniques practiced by massage therapists, osteopaths and other trained therapists, this technique can be done over clothing, energetically a short distance from the body, and even a significant distance from the body.
The Seqex device, created in Italy, is the first and only of it’s kind, providing an ICR (ion cyclotronic resonance) full body application. Through the use of the Earth’s Magnetic Field, we are able to use specific frequencies to help stimulate certain aspects of our body’s cells to optimize body function.
Although a complex system, it does nothing more than replicate the world’s natural frequencies that we don’t seem to be getting enough of due to the high levels of interference and electro smog from our current electrical devices. i.e WIFI, cellphones, etc.
Health Canada has approved the Seqex device as a Class II Medical Device.
It has been approved for:
• Improving Microcirculation
• Inducing a Muscle Relaxant Effect
• Reducing inflammation
***Unless contraindicated, most Manual Osteopathy & Energy Sessions Include Seqex
The Causal Body is the connecting link to your Higher Self and all Higher planes of Divine Consciousness. It is our personal Akash. It is eternal and travels with the soul.
A Causal Body Realignment, is the process of bringing the physical, astral, mental and causal bodies into perfect harmonious alignment.
The process also mends rips, tears, and folds in the different layers of the aura and the chakras as it aligns them. These sessions have sparked natural and healthy lasting changes to come about in many people's lives!
We tend to run the 90mins during first session, and follow up sessions are usually in and around 60mins.
CAUSAL BODY Realignment is a stand alone session.
$150/Session HST Incl.
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